About Nonsuch High School for Girls

  1. Where is Nonsuch High School?
  2. What is Nonsuch High School known for?
  3. Is Nonsuch a good school?
  4. What are the results of Nonsuch High School?

Fees, scholarships and bursaries

  1. How much are the fees for Nonsuch High School?
  2. Does Nonsuch High School offer scholarships?

11+ exams for Nonsuch High School

  1. Which 11+ tests do you sit for Nonsuch High School?
  2. Do girls sit an interview for Nonsuch High School?
  3. How hard is it to get in Nonsuch High School?


About Nonsuch High School

Where is Nonsuch High School?

Nonsuch High School for Girls is located in Cheam, Surrey, United Kingdom. The school’s address is:

Nonsuch High School for Girls
Ewell Road
United Kingdom

The best way to travel there is by car, as the school is located off of the A232 road, which is easily accessible from the M25 motorway. Alternatively, you can take the train to Cheam Station and then take a 5-minute walk along the A232 to Nonsuch High School for Girls. In addition, the 213 will take you close enough to walk there in 5 to 10 minutes and proceeds to Sutton train station or Kingston. Another bus running near the school is X26 – this bus starts at Heathrow, passes through Kingston, Sutton train station, Carshalton and terminates in Croydon.


What is Nonsuch High School known for?

Nonsuch High School for Girls is known for several notable aspects:

  1. Academic Excellence: The school has a strong reputation for academic excellence and consistently achieves excellent academic results. It offers a challenging and enriching curriculum, preparing students for higher education and successful careers.
  2. Selective Entry: Nonsuch High School is a selective school that admits students based on a competitive entrance examination. It attracts academically gifted students from the surrounding area, creating a high-achieving and intellectually stimulating environment.
  3. STEM Focus: The school places a particular emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. It offers a range of STEM-related activities, clubs, and initiatives, promoting interest and achievement in these fields.
  4. Languages and Cultural Diversity: Nonsuch High School offers a diverse and inclusive environment that celebrates cultural diversity and promotes language learning. The school offers a wide range of language options, including French, German, Spanish, and Latin, fostering global awareness and linguistic skills among students.
  5. Extraordinary Facilities: The school benefits from state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped science laboratories, a dedicated art and design center, sports facilities, and a performing arts theater. These facilities support a rich and dynamic learning environment.
  6. Well-Rounded Education: In addition to its academic focus, Nonsuch High School encourages students to participate in a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, drama, and particularly music. This promotes a well-rounded education and allows students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom.
  7. Pastoral Care and Student Well-being: The school places a strong emphasis on pastoral care and the well-being of its students. It provides a supportive and nurturing environment, with dedicated pastoral staff and programs to support students’ personal and emotional development.
  8. Alumni Achievements: Nonsuch High School has a network of accomplished alumni who have excelled in various fields, including academia, arts, sciences, and business. This network provides valuable connections and opportunities for current students and demonstrates the school’s commitment to fostering success and achievement.

These characteristics contribute to Nonsuch High School for Girls’ reputation as a respected institution that prioritizes academic excellence, STEM education, cultural diversity, and student well-being.


Is Nonsuch High School a good school?

Yes, Nonsuch High School is a good school. It has an excellent academic record and an extensive range of extracurricular activities. It is also highly rated in terms of its teaching and support staff. School trips are exciting for children with destinations abroad such as China, America and Belgium. Nonsuch’s aim is to promote the values of positivity, respect, integrity, courage and endeavour.  Their website states ‘we want our students to engage with the local and wider community in the belief that they can make a difference’.

What are the results of Nonsuch?

Nonsuch’s results are impressive.

GCSE Rankings (compared to all London state schools)

2023: 25th ( 87% scoring A/A* )

2022: 15th (84% scoring A/A*)


A-Level Rankings (compared to all London state schools)

2023: 45th  (65% scoring A/A*)

2022: 33rd (56% scoring A/A*)


Overall Rankings (compared to all London state schools)

2023: 30th

2022: 24th


Many of Nonsuch’s leavers choose to continue their studies in medicine, engineering, science and technology, maths/economics or social sciences in a Russel Group university.


Fees, scholarships and bursaries


How much are the fees for Nonsuch High School?

There are no fees for Nonsuch High School as this school is a state-funded selective school.


Does Nonsuch High School offer scholarships?

Nonsuch High School does not offer any scholarships. Instead, it is a selective school which means girls who score more have a greater chance of achieving a place in the school.


11+ exams for Nonsuch High School


Which 11+ tests do you have to sit for Nonsuch High School?

To gain entrance into Nonsuch High School, children will need to sit two rounds of tests. The first round (also known as SET exams) tests children in maths and English (comprehension) in a multiple choice format. If children pass this round, they will be invited to sit the second round (also known as NWSSEE) which consists of mathematics and English (creative writing) in standard format.

Girls who pass both papers will receive a standardised score with the higher the score the more likely the chance of receiving a place in the school. Nonsuch High School shares their entrance test scores for the past few years here.

Places are distributed as follows: 35 places for children who receive Pupil Premium, 85 places for the highest scorers irrespective of home address and finally 125 places to the highest scorers linked to Nonsuch’s catchment area.

With over 12 years experience preparing numerous children for Nonsuch High School, we have created several mock papers mimicing the Nonsuch High School SET and NWSSEE exams. Mock exams are an invaluable part of the exam experience and should be built into children’s study from the start. We believe that there is no such thing as a bad mock, as each one helps you to learn, adapt and refine your technique.


SET Mock Tests (first round)

Coming soon

NWSSEE (second round tests)

Coming soon



Do girls sit an interview for Nonsuch High School?

Girls do not need to complete an interview to gain entrance into Nonsuch High School.


How hard is it to get into Nonsuch High School?

Nonsuch High School is considered a difficult school to gain entrance into. Considering its strong academic history, students are expected to score highly in the 11+ entrance exams.

11 Plus London possesses over 12 years experience preparing girls for the Nonsuch High School 11+ exams. We believe each child is an individual, which is why we provide unique recommendations for each and every one of our students. Book a free assessment for your child and find out how we can help your daughter reach their full potential for their Nonsuch High School 11+ exams:  https://11pluslondon.co.uk/book-a-free-lesson/


The information provided about Nonsuch High School was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything.